In this age of electronics newer electronic items are being invented every day. People naturally like to go for the upgraded model even if they possess the older one. This results in stocking up of the old electronics stock in your house. Electronic items have a typical shelf life up to which they can be safely used. Even after the shelf life of the item, there are parts which can be recycled.
Do not dispose off your old electronic items senselessly:
When disposing of the old items you should ensure that you sell them to a company which takes extreme care while handling them. The care is in the environmental sense. Your hardware items have a lot of toxic materials which have to be carefully disposed of. The best way to ensure that the toxic elements do not come into much play is to ensure that your electronic item is used till its last.
Electronic items can contain harmful chemicals:
Your electronic items when disposed of can emit toxic fumes which can harm the environment to a great extent. As far as possible you should ensure that the parts are recycled. Hence it makes sense to sell your gadgets through Stopoint is an environmentally conscious company which recycles your old electronic gadgets by searching for new prospective buyers.
Recycling means finding new buyers for old gadgets:
In this way they ensure that the gadgets live their full life. You can be rest assured that the phone or iPad which you sell through the company reached another needy person. In fact there are many such needy persons who are always on the lookout for cheap electronic gadgets. On purchasing from you they pass it on to such persons and thus the gadget does not rot somewhere but is used by a needy person.
The best part of sealing with Stopoint:
This is the main advantage of the transaction done through the company website. The beauty of the process is that the seller does not know who the end user of the product is going to be. In fact the company also does not know whether the item might get sold or not. They make the payment without having a purchaser in mind.
Stopoint is a favorite will all:
It is this aspect of the company which makes it the favorite among all. There are other companies who do this activity but either make payment late or wait till the product gets sold. This is where Stopoint scores over other companies and has become the favorite of all.
A well laid down security policy to prevent stolen goods from being recycled:
They have a well laid down security policy on the basis of which they conduct searches on each electronic gadget they purchase to verify whether the same has been passed off as a stolen item. They do background checks and ascertain details of the last five owners to confirm the status of the gadget. Thus prospective buyers too feel safe in the sense that they can be assured of a genuine product. This has brought an element of trust in the company as prospective buyers can be sure about the item which they intend to purchase.
Erasure of personal data:
The company also ensures that all personal data gets deleted from the system and nothing is passed on to the new buyer. In fact they ensure that the gadget gets reset to their factory stage and thus the item becomes as good as new. This also makes the buyer feel that he is purchasing a product which is as close to new as possible.
Social obligations of the company:
Stopoint works with nonprofit making organizations which are famous for their work in environmental conscious projects and lends a helping hand to them in all respects. One way of helping them is the recycling of electronic products which would have otherwise been consigned to the trash bin thereby harming the environment in more ways than one.
In this way they ensure that the item gets recycled by further use. Thus they play their part in ensuring that environmental concerns are taken care of.
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